Victorious Water Balloon Dodgeball

It was another beautiful sunny day in Adventure Bay. As usual everyone was at the Lookout hanging out.

Water balloons, Pre Filled, Two Large Buckets. Set up a large rectangle, mark out a no thow zone, about 5 metres, 2.5M from centre for each side. Then it is played like american dodgeball, only difference is you have the buckets at each end. A Dodgeball Adventure Deluxe. Avoid instakill water balloons and so on. In most instances, felled players can return to seek revenge and fling things at remaining opponents to. A Dodgeball Adventure Deluxe. Avoid instakill water balloons and so on. In most instances, felled players can return to seek revenge and fling things at remaining opponents to. Imagine dodge ball meets capture-the-flag, only with boogers and giant noses instead of balls and flags. And yes, we're serious. Booger Wars is an exciting (and completely clean) game where players throw bean bag 'boogers', taken from giant noses, at each other in an attempt to get their opponents out. The teams will then battle it out through a series of exciting games that will surely hype you up! The games include the classic sack race, harina and yakee relay, ultimate dodgeball, water balloon pass, flip cups, pass the message and a customized “school relay”. Prizes await everyone whether victorious or not.

'It's such a nice day today' said Elias with a smile.

'It sure is. What do you feel like doing?' asked Kelly in a curios voice.

'I don't know' said Monty as he shrugged in uncertainty.

'I have an idea. Let's play dodgeball' said Elias in an enthusiastic tone.

'I'm up for that' said Kelly with an excited smile.

'Let's do it' said Ryder as everyone headed outside. Ace, Bradley, Carlos, Danny, Elias, Eliza, Gomez, Katie, Kelly, Kenneth, Kevin, Lynn, Ranger, Ryder, Selena & finally Sonata decided to play while everyone else watched.

'Since there are 16 of us we need to split into 2 teams of 8. How should we decide the teams?' asked Elias.

'How about the boys go on 1 team & the girls on the other? Boys are skins & girls are shirts' said Suzan.

'OK. Here are the rules: You're out if a ball hits you & it hits the ground before being caught, if someone on the other team catches a ball you throw, if someone on the other team knocks a ball out of your hands using their own ball, if you cross the line in the middle of the court or if you leave the court while still an active player for any reason other than to retrieve a ball. Superpowers aren't allowed to be used either. The only way to be reinstated is if 1 of your team mates catches a ball thrown by the opposing team. The order players are reinstated is based on the order they were eliminated. The team that lasts the longest with at least 1 active player still on the court wins' said Elias.

'You're all going down' said Kelly with a confident smirk.

'We'll see about that babe' said Elias as he & the other boys took their shirts off revealing their muscular bodies.

'Don't get distracted girls' said Elias in a taunting manner.

'Oh please. You might be hot but we won't be thrown off that easily' said Kelly as everyone got on the court. The balls were placed on the centre line.

'Ready? GO' said Suzan as everyone rushed forward to grab the balls. Half of them were claimed by the boys & the other half were claimed by the girls.

'Let's get them' said Ryder as he prepared to throw his ball.

'We can nail them girls' said Katie as both sides began throwing their balls at each other. Bradley & Gomez ended up being eliminated 1ST on their respective teams.

'Go boys' said Bradley as he went to the sidelines.

'You can do it girls' said Gomez as both teams continued bombarding each other with balls. Almost everyone was eliminated & later reinstated as the game went on. After 15 minutes of action packed fun Elias was the sole boy left against all the girls.

'If I were you I'd surrender' said Kelly.

'Come at me. I can take you all down easily' said Elias as he girls threw their balls at him. Elias skilfully dodged them by ducking, diving, flipping & jumping. Soon all the balls were on his side.

'Now I shall show you all how good I am at this game' said Elias as he began throwing the balls at the girls. 1 by 1 the girls were hit & eliminated. Soon only Kelly remained.

'Bring it on' said Elias with a smirk.

'You're going down hot stuff' said Kelly as the others cheered Elias & her on. They both did everything they could to hit each other.

'Go Elias. Take her down' said Ryder in an enthusiastic voice.

You can do it Kelly. I believe in you' said Katie as Elias & Kelly continued throwing balls at each other. A short time later they hit each other at the same time with such force it knocked them back.

'Is it a tie?' asked Katie in an uncertain tone.

'I don't know' said Ryder with a shrug. Elias then revealed that he caught the ball Kelly threw at him. Since Kelly had failed to catch the ball Elias threw at her this made the boys' team victorious.

'That's what I'm talking about' said Elias as he grinned in victory.

'Damn I was so close. Even so there's nobody I'd rather lose to than my sexy muscle hero' said Kelly as she walked over to Elias & kissed him.

'That was awesome. You owned that game' said Ryder in an amazed manner.

'Back in New York I played on my school's dodgeball team. We won every tournament we entered & I was the star player of the team. That helped me earn the MVP award every time as well' said Elias in a proud voice.

'Awesome. That explains how you're so good' said Kelly with an impressed smile.

'Indeed' said Elias as he nodded in agreement.

'What was the name of your team?' asked Suzan with curiosity in her voice.

'We were called the Manhattan Mobsters. There were 6 of us. The other kids on the team were Gretchen, Justin, Mary-Celeste, Nathaniel & Tina. Gretchen's autistic & gets easily excited, Justin's very intelligent & uses his brain in connection with his brawn on court, Mary-Celeste is a straight-A student who works hard in every class & does all kinds of extracurricular activities, Nathaniel's really chill & easygoing & Tina's a star athlete who excels in almost every sport' said Elias.

'That's pretty cool. Manhattan's the area of New York you're from correct?' asked Kelly.

'Correct. Gretchen, Justin, Mary-Celeste, Nathaniel & Tina were the closest thing to a group of friends I had in New York. It was clique central there. Since I didn't identify with any of the cliques I wasn't really part of any major social circle. I haven't stayed in contact with them since I moved here. I'm not sure if they'd even recognize me now that I'm this muscular & more Gothic in appearance since that's not what I looked like the last time they saw me. They probably wouldn't even believe the stuff I've gone through since moving here. I hope they're all OK' said Elias with a sad sigh.

'I'm sure they are' said Kelly in a reassuring tone. Tracker then heard something.

'I can hear 5 kids in the distance' said Tracker.

'Maybe it's them' said Elias as the kids came into sight. Elias gasped in shock. It was Gretchen, Justin, Mary-Celeste, Nathaniel & Tina.

'It is them' said Elias as Gretchen, Justin, Mary-Celeste, Nathaniel & Tina spotted him & the others up ahead.

'Hey guys I think I see Elias over there' said Gretchen in an uncertain manner.

Victorious Water Balloon Dodgeball

'I'm not sure if that is him. He looks different' said Justin.

'I almost don't recognize him' said Mary-Celeste.

'Me either' said Nathaniel.

'Times sure do change' said Tina as she & the others walked over.

'Hey guys. Good to see you again' said Elias with a warm smile.

'ELIAS IT'S YOU' cried Gretchen as she gave Elias a hug before jumping around while clapping & giggling excitedly.

'You look way more muscular than the last time we saw you' said Justin as he took note of Elias' physique.

'You look almost completely unrecognizable with black hair & black clothes' said Mary-Celeste in a surprised voice.

'It's been a while' said Nathaniel.

'Good to see you again dude' said Tina.

'I can say the same for you. These are all my family & friends' said Elias as everyone introduced themselves.

'It's nice to meet you. I'm Elias' girlfriend Kelly Walter' said Kelly as she shook Gretchen, Justin, Mary-Celeste, Nathaniel & Tina's hands.

'Wow you're really pretty' said Gretchen with amazement in her voice.

'Thanks. You're kind of cute yourself' said Kelly as Gretchen giggled.

'You 2 are perfect for each other' said Justin with a smile.

'Looks like Blonde Beast found his true love' said Mary-Celeste.

'Beauty has met the beast' said Nathaniel as he chuckled in amusement.

'Nice job hooking up with a hot babe' said Tina as she gave the thumbs up.

'Thanks. In case the rest of you are wondering Blonde Beast is my nickname on the court' said Elias.

'Obviously that was before you changed your appearance correct?' asked Kelly in a curious manner.

'Correct' said Elias with a nod of agreement.

'What are the nicknames of the other 5?' asked Monty.

'Mine is Lady Autism' said Gretchen.

'I'm Brainiac' said Justin.

'My nickname is Girl Scout' said Mary-Celeste.

'I'm known as Cool Cucumber' said Nathaniel.

'Little Olympia is what I'm called' said Tina.

'OK. Those are interesting nicknames' said Monty.

'Do you guys practice martial arts?' asked Katie with curiosity in her voice.

'Not me' said Gretchen as she shook her head.

'Me either' said Justin.

'I practice karate since it's 1 of the extracurricular activities I do' said Mary-Celeste.

'I don't do any' said Nathaniel with a head shake.

'I practice Lucha Libre' said Tina.

'I'm now a black belt in every martial art in existence' said Elias as he grinned confidently.

'I didn't know you took up martial arts' said Gretchen in a surprised voice.

'I've only had 1 year of experience' said Elias.

'That explains why you're so muscular' said Justin.

'You have the physique of a bodybuilder' said Mary-Celeste in amazement.

'I totally see why Kelly is in love with you' said Nathaniel.

'You always were a badass kid' said Tina with a smile.

'You got that right' said Elias in a confident tone.

'Looks like we need to give Gretchen, Justin & Nathaniel a crash course in self defense' said Suzan.

'I don't want to crash' said Gretchen in a concerned manner.

'I didn't mean it literally' said Suzan as she raised an eyebrow in confusion.

'Since she has autism she often misinterprets things people say or do' said Elias.

'Oh OK' said Suzan with a nod of understanding.

'Are you 3 ready to begin your journey as martial artists?' asked Farmer Yumi with an enthusiastic smile.

'Yes' said Gretchen in an eager voice.

'I should be able to connect my brain to learn the way of martial arts' said Justin with confidence in his voice.

'What should we start with?' asked Nathaniel in an uncertain tone.

'There are 3 tests. They focus on balance, strength & speed' said Farmer Yumi.

'Which test is 1ST?' asked Gretchen.

'We'll start with the speed test. Gretchen you must grab apples from this tree & place them in the basket before they touch the round' said Farmer Yumi as she entered her stance & delivered a roundhouse kick to the tree causing the apples to fall. Gretchen began catching the apples & placing them in the basket. Some of them hit the ground before they were caught while the rest were successfully placed in the basket. Out of 50 apples 35 were put in the basket while the other 15 weren't.

'Damn it. I didn't get them all. I'm not perfect' said Gretchen with a sigh of frustration.

'It's unlikely you would've gotten them all anyways. Doing that is extremely difficult' said Farmer Yumi.

'I wanted to get them all' said Gretchen as she pouted.

'Come on Gretchen don't be like that. You got most of them which is pretty good' said Elias in a reassuring manner.

'Whatever. I should've gotten them all' said Gretchen as she rolled her eyes.

'What's the next test?' asked Justin.

'It's the strength test' said Farmer Yumi.

'What do I have to do?' asked Justin with curiosity in his voice.

'You have to carry the basket of apples down to the park & back. Your arms must be outstretched the whole time' said Farmer Yumi.

'OK. My brain should be able to focus on the muscles in my arms to pull it off' said Justin as he picked up the basket & carried it to the park & back. He struggled with the weight most of the way but ultimately he was successful.

'That was murder on my arms' said Justin as he shook his arms out.

'Well done. Now it's time for the balance test. Nathaniel you must balance the basket on your head & keep it there for as long as possible' said Farmer Yumi.

'That shouldn't be too hard' said Nathaniel as he placed the basket on his head & kept it balanced. Farmer Yumi tried to throw him off but Nathaniel remained as still as a statue. 15 minutes later he removed the basket from his head.

'That was easy' said Nathaniel with a confident smirk.

'Excellent work you 3. Now we shall practice techniques' said Farmer Yumi.

'What style are we learning?' asked Gretchen in a curious voice.

'Karate' said Farmer Yumi.

'Maybe we'll end up being as good as Mary-Celeste' said Gretchen with an eager smile.

'You'd need to be a black belt & have as many trophies as me to be on my level' said Mary-Celeste.

'With practice I think we can do it' said Justin in a confident tone.

'It shouldn't be too hard to learn' said Nathaniel.

'Try being on my level' said Alex with a confident smile.

'Are you an expert on karate as well?' asked Mary-Celeste in a curious manner.

'I'm more of a boxing expert but I'm trained in numerous martial arts. I've already won 7 tournaments. Throughout all of them I've defeated some of the best martial artists around including a few people amongst us' said Alex as he smiled proudly.

'Impressive. Who taught you?' asked Mary-Celeste with a curious smile.

'I learned from different people. Rio taught me boxing, Danny & Lynn taught me Lucha Libre, Chun Li taught me kickboxing, Maynard & Ms Marjorie taught me professional wrestling, Gatorita & Suzan taught me MMA & Elias taught me just about everything' said Alex.

'Wow. That's a broad range of experience' said Mary-Celeste in an impressed voice.

'It sure is' said Alex as he nodded in agreement.

'Perhaps Gretchen, Justin & Nathaniel can learn their own unique styles' said Tina.

'Good idea. What do you all wish to learn?' asked Suzan.

'I'd like to try Tae-Kwon-Do' said Gretchen with an enthusiastic smile.

'Kung Fu is what I prefer' said Justin.

'My favourite is judo' said Nathaniel.

'1 of my friends is an expert on Kung Fu. I'll give him a call & see if he can help out' said Suzan as she gave her friend Kirin a call.

'I can teach Justin Tae-Kwon-Do. I'm a black belt in that style' said Ella with a smile.

'I'll teach Nathaniel judo' said Rarity.

'I didn't know your mother practiced Tae-Kwon-Do Elias' said Gretchen in surprise.

'She sure does. Dad knows military sambo' said Elias.

'Cool' said Gretchen in an amazed voice.

'My friend Kirin will be here soon' said Suzan.

'He shares the same name with the Flatblaze gang whose game show we appeared on last year' said Elias with fascination in his voice.

'That's a rather interesting coincidence' said Suzan.

'Are you ready to begin learning judo Nathaniel?' asked Rarity as she smiled.

'I sure am' said Nathaniel in an excited tone.

'Shall we begin training in Tae-Kwon-Do Justin?' asked Ella.

'Yes' said Justin with a nod of approval.

'OK. I better change into my dogi' said Ella as she went to get changed. A few minutes later she returned wearing a white dogi with a black belt.

'OK I'm ready' said Ella in a confident manner.

'Me too' said Justin.

'I can't wait for Kirin to arrive. With his help I'll be a Kung Fu prodigy in no time' said Gretchen with enthusiasm in her voice.

'Believe it or not Kirin's only 5' said Suzan.

'That's awesome. I can't believe my teacher is half my age' said Gretchen as she jumped around while clapping & giggling excitedly.

'I've never been so excited for anything before' said Gretchen.

'I can tell' said Suzan as a rift appeared. Kirin emerged from it.

'Hey guys. I'm Kirin' said Kirin as everyone introduced themselves.

'Yay you're here. Skippy doo hullabaloo' said Gretchen in an excited voice.

Victorious Water Balloon Dodgeball Gif

'What does that mean?' asked Kirin as he tilted his head in confusion.

'I say that when I'm excited' said Gretchen with an excited smile.

'OK' said Kirin.

'He'll teach you everything you need to know about Kung Fu' said Suzan.

'Awesome. Let's get to it' said Gretchen as everyone headed down to the gym.

'OK before we begin you'll need the right equipment & outfit. I have a dogi you can wear' said Kirin.

'OK. Show me what it looks like' said Gretchen as Kirin revealed a tan colored dogi with a white belt.

'What do you think?' asked Kirin in a curious tone.

'I love it' said Gretchen as she put her dogi on.

'This looks good on me' said Gretchen with an enthusiastic smile.

'Let's get the other 2 ready' said Suzan as Justin changed into a blue dogi & Nathaniel changed into a grey dogi.

'These are neat' said Justin in an impressed manner.

'I feel stylish in this' said Nathaniel with a smile.

'OK time to begin training' said Suzan as Gretchen, Justin & Nathaniel began learning martial arts. Ella & Justin started practicing Tae-Kwon-Do.

'1ST we'll start with the basics. Watch & repeat' said Ella as she performed the basic punches & kicks. Justin paid close attention & repeated what he was shown.

'What's next?' asked Justin with a curious smile.

'Next we'll go over the defensive manoeuvres. Repeat after me' said Ella as she performed blocking & evasion manoeuvres. Justin replicated the moves demonstrated.


'You're doing well. Time to put you to the test' said Ella as she began throwing punches & kicks at Justin. Justin used what he'd learnt to hold his own.

'Excellent. Great job Justin' said Ella in an encouraging voice.

'This is fun' said Justin with an eager smile. Meanwhile Kirin & Gretchen went over the basics of Kung Fu.

'Make sure to pay close attention. Once I'm done you must repeat what you're shown' said Kirin as he executed basic punches & kicks. Gretchen then repeated what she was shown.

'That was great' said Gretchen in an enthusiastic tone.

'Now we shall practice the defensive manoeuvres' said Kirin as he performed the block & evasion. Gretchen then did the same.

'OK now hit me with your best shot. I want to see how well you were paying attention' said Kirin as Gretchen & himself began to spar. They attacked each other with the basic manoeuvres.

'I'm having fun. You're the best Kung Fu teacher ever' said Gretchen with a thankful smile.

'I'm always happy to train anyone in the ways of Kung Fu' said Kirin as Gretchen & he continued sparring. Meanwhile Nathaniel & Rarity practiced the basics of judo.

'What are we doing 1ST?' asked Nathaniel.

'Let's start with basic flips' said Rarity as she executed some basic judo flips. Nathaniel then repeated them.

'Great start. Now for submission holds' said Rarity as she demonstrated basic submissions. Nathaniel proceeded to replicate them.

'What's the next set of moves to learn?' asked Nathaniel in an uncertain manner.

'Now we shall spar so that I can see how well you were paying attention' said Rarity as Nathaniel & herself began sparring. Nathaniel had no trouble holding his own delivering a good performance.

'Well done. That was excellent' said Rarity with an accomplished smile.

'I love everything about this' said Nathaniel as Gretchen, Justin & himself continued learning the basics of Kung Fu, judo & Tae-Kwon-Do. Soon they began showing improved strength & willpower.

Victorious Water Balloon Dodgeball

'I'm having a great time' said Gretchen with excitement in her voice.

'So am I' said Justin as he smiled proudly.

'Martial arts rules' said Nathaniel as a klaxon siren went off.

'There goes the Bad Guy Alarm' said Mayor Humdinger.

'I wonder who it is this time' said Elias as Mayor Humdinger activated the big screen. The Basket Brawlers were revealed to be the villains nearby.

'It's the Basket Brawlers again' said Mayor Humdinger with a sigh of frustration.

'You're talking about the Foggy Bottom Boomer kids aren't you?' asked Elias.

'Yes' said Mayor Humdinger as he nodded in confirmation.

'Before we go & deal with them I have elemental weapons for your friends' said Suzan.

'OK. Show us what they do' said Elias.

'The elements they revolve around include Air, Earth, Fire, Life & finally Water. Who wants which?' asked Suzan in a curious voice.

'I'll have the air weapon' said Gretchen.

'I call dibs on the earth weapon' said Justin.

'I'll take the fire weapon' said Mary-Celeste.

'The water weapon is mine' said Nathaniel.

'That leaves me with the life weapon' said Tina.

'Gretchen your weapon is the Inflata-Mace. It allows you to inflate your enemies like balloons until they burst' said Suzan as she gave Gretchen the Inflata-Mace.

'Awesome. I guess the saying bigger is better rings true' said Gretchen with an impressed smile.

'Justin your weapon is the Continental Staff. It can summon mountains to assist you in battle' said Suzan as she handed the Continental Staff to Justin.

'This'll be a great weapon to use' said Justin in an eager tone.

'Mary-Celeste your weapon is the Tiger Pistols. They unleash rings of fire & can cause further damage by slashing enemies with them' said Suzan as she gave the Tiger Pistols to Mary-Celeste.

'Our enemies will feel the burn with these' said Mary-Celeste with a confident smirk.

'Nathaniel your weapon is the Mystic Water Bow. It shoots barracudas & can also be used for melee fighting at close range' said Suzan as she handed Nathaniel the Mystic Water Bow.

'Excellent. I'm going to love using this' said Nathaniel with amazement in his voice.

'Finally Tina your weapon is the Guaca-Wand. It shoots tortilla chips that hone in on enemies, salsa that burns them & also summons a controllable guacamole whirlpool' said Suzan as Tina received the Guaca-Wand.

'That's pretty cool. Let's go kick some ass' said Tina as everyone went to confront the Basket Brawlers.

'Just out of curiosity did you guys have a rival team you competed against?' asked Suzan in a curious manner.

'Our main rivals were the Brooklyn Beetles. Despite constantly bragging about how good they were we always beat them' said Elias.

'Who was on that team?' asked Suzan.

'Albert, Doris, Isaac, Maureen, Rex & lastly Vera' said Elias.

'What are they like personality wise?' asked Suzan with uncertainty in her voice.

'Albert's similar to Andrew since they're both arrogant narcissistic jerks who think they're better than everyone else, Doris is similar to Sabrina since she was crazy obsessed in love with me, Isaac's similar to Lionel since they're both jealous meat heads who feel threatened by me because I'm in love with a girl they claim to be in love with, Maureen's a drama queen who flips out over the slightest inconvenience, Rex is a delinquent who constantly causes trouble & tries to pick fights with everyone & Vera's a paranoid wreck who always thinks everyone else is out to get her' said Elias with a sigh.

'I take it they're really difficult to deal with aren't they?' asked Suzan.

'That's an understatement. I can't even think of Doris without wanting to cringe. She has this warped belief that me & her are soul mates. Back in New York she'd send me voice mails declaring her love for me & send me other creepy things. The creepiest thing she's ever done or said is that she'd consume my feces, vomit, urine & other body waste & that if I did the same we'd forever be united as 1. I'm surprised she's not in a psychiatric facility yet' said Elias as everyone gagged upon hearing about Doris.

'That's disgusting. This Doris girl has serious issues. If she comes anywhere near you I'll bash her face in. Nobody treats my sexy muscle hero like that' said Kelly with a scowl of disgust.

'Is that your nickname for him?' asked Gretchen in a curious voice.

'Yes' said Kelly with a nod of confirmation.

'My aura detects 6 other kids along with the Basket Brawlers' said Zamantha.

'It's probably them' said Elias as he groaned in annoyance.

'We can take them on' said Kelly in a confident tone.

'Our weapons will cream them' said Gretchen with a devious smirk.

'They won't stand a chance against us' said Justin.

'We'll make them beg for mercy' said Mary-Celeste as she chuckled deviously.

Water Balloon Dodgeball | YP Life

'Those clowns are in for a nasty surprise' said Nathaniel in an amused manner.

'They'll be sorry they crossed us' said Tina.

'I think they are' said Suzan.

'Wait you think they came to apologize?' asked Tina as she tilted her head in confusion.

'No they have a bone to pick' said Suzan as she shook her head.

'We'll handle them easily. Us Mobsters always crush them for the Beetles they are' said Elias with confidence in his voice.

'Have you ever said that before in reference to them?' asked Kelly in a curious voice.

'All the time' said Elias as he nodded in confirmation.

'It's pretty clever. I can't wait to show them how foolish they were for trying to mess with us' said Kelly with a smirk.

'Well, well, well if it isn't the Manhattan Mobsters' said the Brooklyn Beetles as they & the Basket Brawlers appeared.

'Looks like the Fab 4 rip offs are on our turf' said Elias.

'Who are the Fab 4?' asked Gretchen in a confused tone.

'That's a nickname for a popular band from the 1960's' said Elias.

'Oh OK' said Gretchen as the Basket Brawlers & Brooklyn Beetles smirked arrogantly.

'Wow Elias. I didn't know you became a Goth freak' said Albert in a mocking manner.

'I only look like this to appear more edgy & tough' said Elias as he rolled his eyes.

'You look sexy like that. Let me have your babies' said Doris with a creepy grin.

'Leave me alone. You're crazy' said Elias with disgust in his voice.

'She's crazy about you. Why must you have her affection?' asked Isaac as he pouted.

'I don't want her. Doris is all yours. She's not someone I'm interested in' said Elias.

'That look doesn't suit you. You clearly know nothing about fashion' said Maureen with a scoff.

'I don't care what you think' said Elias as he blew a raspberry.

'You might look tough but it's all an act. I could easily bust you up' said Rex in a threatening voice.

'I've left 1 person comatose before. You're treading on thin ice daring to pick a fight with me' said Elias.

'Why do you hate us? I swear you all have it out for us' said Vera in a shaky tone.

'No you're just paranoid' said Elias as he shook his head.

'We've always been better than you guys' said Gretchen with a scowl.

'You really need to accept defeat & swallow your pride' said Justin as he sighed.

'Manhattan's way better than Brooklyn' said Mary-Celeste in a boastful manner.

'We're the best dodgeball team in New York' said Nathaniel.

'We can kick your ass no matter where we are. If you guys are smart you'll all back off. I guarantee that we'll wipe the floor with you' said Tina as she cracked her knuckles.

'You're all a bunch of fools. While you were busy finding Keystones & beating up other martial artists we found some toys for you to play with' said Tod with an arrogant smirk.

'We'll play rough with them' said Ryder as a group of robotic pups appeared.

'Those are the robots created by Andrew & Dr Hy Brid' said Madame Mask.

'We can take them on' said Ryder with confidence in his voice.

'We'll show you our true power you pathetic human' said Robot Chase as he & the other robotic pups ran forward. The pups held their ground & attacked with Pup Fu. Despite this the robotic pups got the upper hand & subdued them.

'You stupid organisms shall pay for ruining Dr Hy Brid's plans' said Robot Chase with a growl.

'I think not. Let's destroy these robot rascals' said Elias as he & the Manhattan Mobsters attacked the robotic pups with their weapons. Elias hacked Robot Chase to pieces with the Necroblade, Gretchen used her Inflata-Mace to inflate Robot Marshall until he exploded, Justin used his Continental Staff to beat Robot Rocky relentlessly before summoning boulders that crushed him, Mary-Celeste used her Tiger Pistols to set Robot Rubble on fire before slashing him to bits, Nathaniel used his Mystic Water Bow to attack Robot Skye with barracudas that tore her to shreds & Tina used her Guaca Wand to burn Robot Zuma with salsa & made him fall apart with a guacamole whirlpool. The remaining robots were also swiftly dispatched.

'Dr Hy Brid needs to try harder' said Elias as he smirked.

'Those stupid robots didn't stand a chance' said Gretchen.

'These weapons are awesome' said Justin in an impressed voice.

'We can do serious damage with these' said Mary-Celeste with a devious smirk.

'I feel powerful' said Nathaniel in a confident tone.

'You boneheads better give up. You'll never defeat us' said Tina as the Basket Brawlers activated their armor.

'Now you're in trouble' said Tod in an arrogant manner.

'Think again jerk' said Elias as he, Eliza, Kelly & Kevin unlocked their superpowers. The Brooklyn Beetles & Manhattan Mobsters gasped in shock.

'Woah that's awesome' said Gretchen with a smile of amazement.

'How are they doing that?' asked Justin with uncertainty in his voice.

'I don't know' said Mary-Celeste as she shrugged.

'They're like superheroes' said Nathaniel in a fascinated voice.

'They'll defeat those clowns for sure' said Tina as Elias & Eliza fused together. Kelly & Kevin did the same.

'WHAT THE HELL? THIS IS CRAZY' cried Albert in horror.

'THAT'S AWESOME' cried Doris in an enthusiastic tone.

'HOLY SHIT' cried Isaac as he shook in fear.


'OH MY GOD' cried Rex in a terrified manner.

'THEY'RE GOING TO KILL US' cried Vera as she screamed in panic.

'Time to wreck the Basket Brawlers' said Elizas.

'Let's do this' said Kelvin as Elizas & itself attacked. The Basket Brawlers tried to fend them off with their armor but Elizas & Kelvin quickly disintegrated it using Ultimate Maximum Zen Mayhem & Crazy Militia Chaos Supreme. The Basket Brawlers were then beaten with punches, kicks, swings & strikes. 1 by 1 they were knocked unconscious until they were all defeated. Elias, Eliza, Kelly & Kevin then returned to normal.

'Boom goes the dynamite' said Elias in an accomplished voice.

'We destroyed those fools' said Eliza with a smirk.

'Only the Beetles remain' said Kelly.

'If it is pain you want it is pain you'll get' said Kevin as the Brooklyn Beetles got on their knees & put their hands behind their heads.

'What are they doing?' asked Tina as she tilted her head in confusion.

'We surrender. We're sorry' said Albert in a nervous tone.

'Please don't hurt us. We don't want any trouble' said Doris.

'We made a mistake coming here' said Isaac in fear.

'I think we should get out of here' said Maureen with a nervous gulp.

'I don't want to end up like the others' said Rex as he began sweating in panic.

'We're not safe here' said Vera as the Brooklyn Beetles left. The Basket Brawlers & the remains of the robotic pups were sent flying away with Apollo's super breath.

'That takes care of that' said Elias.

'You 5 are pretty cool' said Suzan as she smiled.

'That was the most epic thing I've ever done' said Gretchen in an enthusiastic manner.

'Same with me' said Justin as he nodded in agreement.

'I never expected something like that to happen' said Mary-Celeste with astonishment in her voice.

'That was cooler than anything I've ever seen in New York' said Nathaniel.

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'The Manhattan Mobsters are still #1' said Tina as she smirked confidently.

'Do you want to be part of the PAW Patrol?' asked Suzan in a curious voice.

'That sounds awesome' said Gretchen with an excited smile.

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'I'm down with that' said Justin as he gave the thumbs up.

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'This is awesome' said Mary-Celeste.

'I can't express how happy I am right now' said Nathaniel in an ecstatic tone.

'What are our positions?' asked Tina in an uncertain manner.

'You can be the Enforcers of Awesomeness' said Suzan with a smile.

'That sounds epic. I'm in' said Gretchen as she grinned excitedly.

'We're the EOA' said Justin with confidence in his voice.

'Things get made better with us around' said Mary-Celeste.

'We are the cool kids from the Big Apple' said Nathaniel.

'We're ready for anything that comes our way' said Tina with a confident smile. Meanwhile in Demhotep's lair Demhotep was furious that the Basket Brawlers had failed again.

'You idiots failed me again' said Demhotep as he growled angrily.

'You couldn't have expected us to know what to expect from those Manhattan Mobster kids' said Tod.

'Enough excuses. Minions take these 5 to the Torture Cells' said Demhotep as the minions dragged the Basket Brawlers to the Torture Cells while they screamed hysterically.

'Those 5 were useless. It's a good thing I always have a backup plan. Those foolish mortals haven't beaten me yet' said Demhotep as he laughed evilly.